Character Sketch Demo v0.1.1a - Changelog (18.05.2019)

+Fixed some problems with path 2 textlines, causing them to replace other paths
+Fixed various small bugs
+Corrected some spelling mistakes
(Thanks to EvolutionFox for reporting the problem with path 2, hopefully everythings working properly now)

Character Sketch Demo v0.1.1 - Changelog (16.05.2019)

Updated Character Sketch Demo, adding all the missing Character Sketches!

Added since last Version:
~200 added Character Sketches consisting of various expressions, poses and character variations
(Some of which are quite rough[side characters and repeated clothings/poses] since they will get updated while colorating anyway)
(There is another ~50 Character Sketches that were drawn but got removed from this version to keep everything sfw for now)
+Redesigned Anthro-Fia and her outfits in all her sketches
+1 new scene on path 2
(Was missing in last version and rewritten to fit with everything else)
+Additional lines to every scene after path 2 to better fit the story or improve the mood
+Various bug,grammar and spelling fixes
(About ~250 small changes and fixes alltogether, even though a lot of repeated onces are in there aswell)
(A big thank you to Sparky66 for providing a detailed list that made finding and correcting a big part of these easier)
+Updated and rewritten the Supporter List and their ranks.

This Update concludes the Character Sketch Demo and will only be updated for urgent bugfixes.
Next Update will be the NSFW Demo, which will include all of the Hentai Scenes and sketches
and possible bonus scenes that if the time as at hand.

Known Bugs so far:(Planned to not fix until first colored versions)
~Patron Silver Token seems to dissapear in of of it's animation frames for some reason
~Gold/Silver Patrons will change the color of Fia's name in debug screen (not a problem in itself)
~UI doesn't work properly yet and especially the Settings Screen will be buggy/hard to use
~Playthrough Achievements will only be visible after restarting

A big thank you to all of my supporters that helped me spending as much time as I can to work on this!
Supporters of the month:

Honorable mentions:
Cobalt Blue
Scott T Cook
Alexis Perron
Piediblu Kawatani
Erik D.

Danny, LunaTacos, Garchompy, Jaki-Kun, Nightshade480,
Victor, Draxxus, Fireson, Sparky66, ArrrTeest, Riftwalking
darkcookies, KYagami165, Tymon Kinneas, MrAKiRA4, Aaron Sun
Mini-Dinkster, Jake Meadors, Kolt Porter, KitsuneChibi, ZapK
funtice, John Mitchell, Onstrava, William Peterson, light snow wolf
RKitsune, William Hodgson, Dizzy Morrie Spiral, Lise, Jam, ToffelsKater
Akula, Azuron, PixiLoss, DonBay, sock knight, Purpadurp, joe mach
Skwel, Haruna, LunalMan, Daniel Molla Garcia, Piwix, OTM, DeadSilence23
radigast, clive silverson, dyllan chadwick, Fleischerkalle, Camio
Alex Laberge, Reshi, Finnick, Bob Sagget, Vane Holzer, Mean Hardon
David Giles, okami5432, Canitoo, Gosune, Jeffrey S., Abraham
Andres Squeak, Revenuk, Shawaterasu, areyath, DarknessRuler2345
trujillo, D-man, Struppi, Golden Gear, Kurtis Cross, Vinertsm
Lvost, IronDan, ThornyBits, UNCLE_TEMA, Ninten.Zer0, LucidLucario
Unfounded Anxiety, Darvin, Mathys Tard-Lorean, Nero, Fuffy Zoroark
a vap, Johnathan Smith, Kumi686960, SublimeSludge, Thicc boy, Rufe Dagger
Sean Kimura, Vertigo, Levin, Braixen Maid, Kintot, Fourtailowns, Lol
Naevaris, Neo the cyber lucario, Carlos Ayala, Noah, Shadrel, Blake Williams
Kyle Striker, chaoz legends, Judkip, jonathan luke, Artomis, Amos Defamos
Eclipse18, Davis Murphy, Kaenrae Obscuro, Rozhide, Jose Arriaga, Daniel
Lira, Mr ManyFaces, Zexas, Porntagonist, Alberto Roman, kindalucky
Duane Fouche, ZotBuster, Altare Jones, Celierra & Darvian, DeterminedCrab
Wall of Helios, Alma Fjellstrom, Side B, onioni, Bille Åkesson, 恩 龍
AllTheFoxes, Silvr, Anthony Sanchez, Almaturasu, Jacob Colwell, Emanuele Carruba
Windblown Peaks, tails, Jaztec, Kita Daggertail, j terry, Weritirun, Justin fultz
Esdee3024, therobotchicken, ShadowFox26

Thought it would be a good idea to add a full list off supporters to the changelog/credits besides having them ingame.
If it's not just let me know and I'll put it somewhere else. xD