Hey everyone, I'm InDarkWaters.
I'm your casual slacker that always looked up to game creators, artists and their work.

I always wanted to create art and games that touch or connect people and give them something to look back to.
Since I was never that talented I always thought of it as nothing more than a child's dream though.

Since I never really found a direction in life that I wanted to go I ended up in a phase where I didn't really know what to do with myself anymore.
That's why I thought I give myself a push try to start what I always dreamed of as a kid!

I hope to become good enough to at one point inspire other becoming artists and create things that will be remembered! (And hopefully in a good way :P)


After trying to create a roadmap last year I was able to release "most" of what I wanted, but not the most important things of them.
Things slowed down especially towards the last months of the year and I had to push back multiple releases, leaving me behind with 2 more before I actually have everything I wanted to get done last year.

With now 2020 and therefor a new year I'm putting new goals for what and when I want to get things done.
Last year I tried getting things done a bit too fast and ended up a bit burned out from everything.
I'm taking things slower this time around, giving myself a bit more space to work on things and maybe release some different/unplanned stuff inbetween.

The release dates are still somewhat random and nothing more than an estimation.
I will do my best to stick to them and not release anything later than what's listed here.

Next Release Worksteps left to do Estimated Release Time
Patreon Release: Braixen Creator
(Small tool to customize Fia's/Your Braixens look for the game.
Simply to show of the model and give something to play with until first part.)
- Finish Fia's character model + animations
- Add custom styles to model
- Testbuilding
Next Release: Dream Molder Part 1
(First part of the full game, completely colored and animated.)

Patreon Release: HQ Dream Molder Animation Loops
(H-Scenes of the game will all be up on patreon as high res loops)

- Finish Sara's character model + animations
- Finish side character model + animations
- Clean and refine old H-Scene
- Color and animate next H-Scene
- Color first batch of CG's
- Testbuilding
February - March 2020
OOF, will be updated in time
Patreon Release: Lopunny Animation Loops
(Next upcoming Pokemon animation loops to get a break from DM
and gain some support.)
- Simple animation tests
- Color Lopunny Sketch
- Build Model for animation
- Animate Model
- Record Sound
After DM Ep1
Next Release: Dream Molder Part 2
(Second part of the full game, carrying on after end of Part 1)

Patreon Release: HQ Dream Molder Animation Loops
(As with the first part, all animations and art will be up on patreon in high res)
- Color and animate next H-Scenes
- Color next batch of CG's
- Add more custom styles for Fia
- Testbuilding
Next Release: Dream Molder Part 3
(Most likely final part of the story, combining every part into a complete game.)

Patreon Release: HQ Dream Molder Animation Loops
(Last batch of animation loops from the game)

Patreon Release: Dream Molder Project Files
(All of the games files art and animations files, free for you to use and edit.)
- Color and animate next H-Scenes
- Color next batch of CG's
- Add more custom styles for Fia
- Testbuilding
Up for debate and slightly depending
on how everything else works out.

Might take a break to work on original
title before, will all be announced in
time though.
Patreon Release: "Secret" Original Title
(Original Title that I planned and wanted to work on for a while now but
never had the time to. Simple short-story Visual Novel similar to first
Dream Molder Demo with additional H-Scenes.)
(Even planned a first batch of physical releases+rewards for patreon with it.)
- Color and animate character models
- Color CG's
- Color and animate H-Scenes
- Record/Mix Music
- Testbuilding
See above